How to add Google reCAPTCHA for your website


It is mandatory to setup your google reCAPTCHA v3 api key to work all of your frontend form. follow below step to get you own captcha key.

Step 01: sign up for an Api key pair for your site, Go to Google Captcha site

captcha website
google recaptcha website

Step 02: click on v3 Admin Console to go admin console

Screenshot at Apr 06 18 59 41
go to admin console

Step 03: Register a new site

Screenshot at Apr 06 19 05 44
register new site for captcha
  • Step 04: enter label for recognise it later
  • Step 05: select reCAPTCHA type to reCAPTCHA v3
  • Step 06: enter your Domains
  • Step 07: add Owners
  • Step 08: Accept the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service
  • Step 09: click on submit button, Your API keys will be generated.
Screenshot at Apr 06 19 10 25
generated google captcha v3 api key

Step 10: now you have to add those captcha key to admin panel “General settings > Third Party Script”

Screenshot at Apr 06 19 13 23
google captcha api key setup
  • Google Captcha V3 Site Key: copy google captcha v3 site key and paste it here
  • Google Captcha V3 Secret Key: copy google captcha v3 secret key and paste it here

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